But don't just take my word for it, you can listen to the entire novel for free via the wonderful podcast the author did. Fallis is as brilliant a narrator for the audio version of the novel as he is a crafter of great satire.
Give it a try. I'm certain that you'll be hooked like myself and hundreds of Terry's fans from around the world.

And for the fans of the Darth Tater - Terror in Toyland HNT storyline, don't worry, the continuing storyline is in the works . . . perhaps next week it will continue . . .
(Click below to visit Osbasso and learn more about HNT)

Ok whew! So, I get to live for one more week, or, whatever it is that you have planned for my corpse, erm, body.....
HHNT Mark and nothing like a good book, eh?
Love the look. Looks kind of evil. Happy HNT!
love an intellignet man!
HHNT smartie!
Ooooooh! More good reads. Now if only my kids would allow me time with a book that doesn't contain rhymes or a giant red dog.........
Thanks for your kind words Mark and for all your support and encouragement. Hope you enjoy the book...
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