Of course, I'm still not sure at what point in the creation the pumpkin goes from being a pumpkin to a Jack-0'-lantern. Is it the moment you first break the "skin" of the pumpkin? The moment you gut it? The moment you make your first complete "hole" in the face of it?
As we were looking through a bunch of different patterns, Alexander insisted we carve the "grim reaper" onto ours. Aren't four year olds supposed to want things like Winnie The Pooh, Bob The Builder or some other cartoonish-type character? I have nobody to blame but myself, I suppose.
Francine went for a creepy looking more traditional look to hers. It was a fun evening.

Ah, the magic you can produce with simple lighting effects -- it has me fondly remembering those days back in university when I worked as a theatre lightning technician and did various lighting designs for plays.

Happy HNT and Happy Halloween!!!

Very cool carvings...HHNT!
I am absolutely loving that last photo! HHNT!
Yes, those are lovely carvings! HHNT!
Great pumpkins or should I say jack o' lanterns? In any case..love them! HHNT!
nice carvin!
Very impressive! Sadly, we don't have the talent to create such masterpieces ourselves. Happy HNT!
Great job you guys. I had no idea what yours was until I saw it lite just from the inside.
I saw your comment on Os' blog. I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy, so feel free to participate in the theme HNT next week. At my age I can't be picky. ;-)
I think the moment of redefinition would have to be when one becomes an effective "lantern"--until then, maybe just a holey pumpkin. ;)
Happy HNT.
hey man, don't fear the reaper.
(ha couldn't resist.)
hope your halloween was lots of fun.
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