The article, which is just one column shy of being a two page spread is entitled Do You Hear What I Hear? and is summed up with the following description: Podiobooks have given voice to aspiring authors and garnered them a great audience for their work. Are traditional publishers and booksellers listening?

Within the article I examine the pioneers of the podcasted novel, including Tee Morris and Scott Sigler and the successes they've each seen by podcasting their fiction as well as the creation of such websites as Podiobooks.com where people can find and download a great selection of free audio books via weekly RSS feeds.
And I also explore in depth the roller coaster path that Canadian author Terry Fallis took from not being able to find a publisher or agent for his novel The Best Laid Plans, how he gave the novel away for free as a podcast, then self-published it and watched it go on to be nominated for The Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour and landing an agent. (Of course, just days after my article went to press, Terry won the award, and also landed a publishing deal for his novel. It'll be coming out this fall from Douglas Gibson Books.)

It's a very interesting topic bringing important changes in regard of publishing... I'm sure it will take a huge part of the printed market soon... as I see already more and more books published in MP3 format on cds...
Are we witnessing the death of the printed word? happy HNT!
Damn Canadians ;)
HHNT sweets! :)
My how things have changed!
TK Kerouac's HNT
Podibooks? No thanks. Interesting read though. Nice picture. Happy HNT!
Hmm, podiobooks. Another way to explore after I'm finished with my book. That is if I ever finish it.
You know me, I like to lay on the bed or couch and read....i know its INEFFICIENT, INEFFECIENT!!!
HHNT Mark!
Thanks for the nice things you said about us and our authors in your article, Mark. I appreciate you spreading the word!
Evo Terra
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