And for those who don't get all that excited about books, there's a hidden nekkid treat in a click-thru.

Mark Leslie is a writer, editor and bookseller who lives in Southern Ontario. In 2005, Mark joined the blogging bandwagon and started posting random thoughts and musings on writing, bookselling and being a father.
MP3 players rock. Love mine. :)
Thats a great Idea,
Maybe I should start taking more books in on tape.
Do you think people read as much as they use to?
Happy HNT!
I never thought about putting my books on tape on my MP3 player! Great idea.
Happy HNT
Brilliant. You're so clever. HHNT!
I like audio books too but use old fashioned tapes as I don't have an MP3 player - guess I should move into the 21st century. Happy HNT.
i should probably try to do the same since i have a 30GB i certainly have the space on mine! good thinking.
I love the fun voices that they choose to do the books on tape. Such fun to get into the mood of it...with say..Vincent Prince or whoever...Ok I know hes dead but you know what I mean....
Erm, I think he's dead, or, at least he oughta be by now.
HHNT Mark!
One of my neighbors reads books on tape for a living. Well, one of many things he does for a living . . .
Wow - that click-thru was a surprise - looking VERY good, Mr. Lefebrve!
the only time I recall trying books on tape was on road trips, and somehow the road noise of the old cars drowned out the subtleties of the story... maybe I should try again with my MP3 player.
Nice pics and HHNT
Not sure I could enjoy audio books... something to try for sure!
Why o why did did I click on the picture, why? It just made me jealous of you. :-(
Happy HNT anyway.
Where do you download your books from? I haven't found one source I like yet. Enjoy...
Happy HNT
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