While I was searching on Amazon (some might call it ego browsing), I found this interesting product - a simple plain white I Love Mark Leslie t-shirt.
It's very likely this t-shirt was created as a reference to the Mark Leslie who was the founding CEO of Veritas (unless, of course, there are secret chapters of my fan club located all over the place) or perhaps it's just some sort of automated dynamically generated result of searching an author's name on Amazon -- but in any case I thought it was an interesting find.
But doesn't this just make you want to go out and buy an "I love Mark Leslie" t-shirt -- or two, or three?
well, i DID get an amazon.com gift certificate for xmas...
I'm not sure risking being labeled as gay is worth the risk. I like chicks too much for that.
That's hilarious! I've got to get me one and show up at your next book signing in it to creep the security out!!
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