Lime, the brilliantly talented wit that she is wrote:
Faster than a one liner, more powerful than an extended metaphor, able to leap stacks of rejections in a single bound . . . it's a lit prof . . . it's an editor, NO! It's Super Writer!
I just couldn't let that go without running with it . . .
Thanks for the inspiration, Lime. And Happy HNT! (And for those of you who are eager to see the continuing HNT adventures of Mark vs Darth Tater and the toys in "Terror in Toyland" now that I've converted into super geeky writer again, perhaps there'll be more new episodes coming soon . . .)
For those curious about the whole half nekkidness thing
click the image below to go visit Osbasso and learn more about
Half-Nekkid Thursday...
click the image below to go visit Osbasso and learn more about
Half-Nekkid Thursday...

I like the nerdy book loving pic! Happy HNT!!!
I love the commercial and I love the transformation from mild-mannered book seller to SUPER GEEKY WRITER! Very, very cool!
Hello from India Mark! I think you look totally handsome in those glasses!
HHNT and all that...come read my latest post...ARGH!!
Love that super geek photo,
bet your a wild man underneath it all
Happy HNT!
hehehe!I think I may of used that 1st shot to "zombiefy" you!
Super geeky photo is rad though!
Happy HNT
oh man, i LOVE it!! love love love it. too funny!
dude when you are done with your terror in toyland series we absolutely have to do a series on superwriter and his plucky sidekick blogger girl after that. the great part is blogger girl doesn't have to wear spandex...her costume is a bathrobe and slippers....occasionally some tie dye. think of the superhero gadgetry we could come up with alone! whaddya say superwriter?
thanks for the laughs, ya made my day.
But which is the real you? Happy HNT.
That's just plain hilarious! If I recall, the real you lurks quietly in the middle waiting for chances to scare the pants off of people.
I love it! But that may be because I'm into the 'nerdy super writer' types. :)
This looks like a Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde transformation!
Are you waring tights? HHNT, love it.
You haven't aged a day. Happy HNT!
Okay, Lime, I'll take you up on that. You're being written into the 3rd HNT adventure storyline . . . (don't say you weren't warned! Mwah hah hah)
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