I've finally finished the online serial thriller I, Death which is a free read. I posted the last entry today. The story (a novella length work in blog format which weighs in at somewhere between 35,000 and 40,000 words) is now complete. Wow, 10 months, lots of twists that I didn't anticipate, a great deal of "making it up as he goes along", plenty of audience participation and feedback and some fun challenges to kill friends in the name of raising funds to support literacy. Does it get any better than that?
Yeah, I guess it does, since I already have a publisher interested in publishing the book which will contain a novella adaptation of the blog story along with the sequel to "I, Death" -- "The sequel?" you ask. "But how can that be?" Well, I never did explain what happened to Sarah now did I? Nor did I properly explain Peter's curse. Thus, a follow-up short story of about 4000 words.
I love the ending. The image of him at the mirro rwill stick with me for some time. Always I shall wonder how long it really did take?
wow congratulations!!! A finished project...
Congratulations on the tickle from a publisher! Keep us posted on progress.
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