I called it "Naked Eyes" and thought it would be fun to show off my cool dude Halloween spooky eyes boxer shorts -- you can see that post here.
I've made many friends through HNT over the years, and have watched old friends "retire" from HNT and seen new friends join. It's been a fun haul, and at this anniversary date I wonder at how long I'm going to keep up posting half nekkid pictures every single Thursday.
Part of me, of course, enjoys the creativity of having to come up with something along the half-nekkid theme each week (check out the collage of HNT shots from within the first year, for example) . . .

. . . but another part of me, the part that is struggling to find time to work on my writing, and having less and less of that time to spare, wonders if it's time to retire myself from HNT.
There's an addiction element to it, of course, not to mention the fact that forcing myself to post something new and hopefully interesting each week has spawned some fun "storylines" like the death match between myself and Darth Tater that I called Spud Wars.

In following Osbasso's theme of THREE for this week's post, I thought it might be nice to offer a retrospective of some multi-shot collages that have been put together over the past 3 years. You've already seen two of them above -- a nice summary of some of the fun stuff I've been up to each Thursday for almost 3 years.
Of course my favourite HNT "story" was one that my dear friend Steve Gaydos created after a visit last summer. He took a whack of pictures and then threw together a cartoon-style story called "Yes, My Dad Can Fly!" that was just too cute.

In any case, Happy Third Anniversary Osbasso and all my HNT bloggy friends!

your wit and humor made your storylines so much fun. so glad to have met you through HNT so i could enjoy all the other wonderful things you post about too.
Hey Mark! I love th flash backs and the newer pics I haven't seen.
Happy HNT Anniversary!
Lee Ann
Ah, that pesky time thing... You can't believe the number of times when I thought that it just wasn't going to happen that week. But that lure/addiction kicks in and saves the day!
Been lovin' your posts for almost three years!
You are truly, One of a kind
TK Kerouac's HNT
I always enjoy your posts, so I hope you don't retire too. I've read the reason why many have retired and what they said sounded very much like what you've said here. That it just got to be too difficult to come up with "...something new and hopefully interesting each week..." Maybe if you stopped trying to do that, it would take the pressure off and it would be fun again. Me, I have the time, but always seem to forget or procrastinate until the last minute and just wing it. I also don't get caught up in comment counts, which many do. That seems to make people try harder each week and then it looses all the fun too. That's the end of my editorial for today. ;-)
Oh ya, Happy HNT my friend!
You've done an outstanding job of commemorating your HNT history. Bravo! Happy HNT anniversary!
Lol. That's all so creative. Great job. Happy HNT!
Your HNT are too creative for you to only think about retiring!!
Love the montage!!
Being fairly new to HNT, I just wanted to stop by (albeit late) and say THANKS for helping to keep it alive for 3 years!
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