Frankly, I didn't want to think about it, but I have no choice, since this past Christmas, Francine bought me yet another Mr. Potato-head themed toy.
This time, it was a giant Darth Tater that came with a smaller Darth Tater, a SpudTrooper and Artoo-Potatoo. So now there are five of them, sitting there in the corner of the basement, potentially plotting their revenge.
And I can't get the thought out of my mind. I wonder at all the freaky and bizarre plans they have, and wonder when they'll carry out their revenge on me.
Only time will tell, I suppose. Perhaps it will all start next week in an HNT series that I'm calling: Terror in Toyland.

Stay tuned . . .

Woohoo! They're back in all their some assembly required glory!!
I love it!
happy HNT
oh man, spudtrooper and artoo-potato are HILARIOUS looking! i CANNOT wiat for this next adventure to begin!
WOOHOO!! Grab the popcorn and a bottle of wine!! Bring it on!!! :D :D
HHNT. Love the trailer!
Whoo hoooooooo.....a new adventure!! Cant'wait!!
Oh boy, I cant wait! Until then, I suggest you keep the basement door locked!
HHNT Mark!
Can't wait ;)
excellent! waiting with baited breath :)
happy half naked toysday.
ginning huge...darth tater...I must know where you got that...
THAT is TOO frikking cool.
waiting with bated breath... or at least taterd breath.
Have to leave us wondering eh?!
Thank goodness for a little white now to make it feel like winter!
Oh I can't wait!!!
Happy HNT!
my kind of story, cant's wait, HHNT
Looking forward to it!
Sir......nice photo.....that's not your eye is it?...
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