Betchacantguesswho (AKA Betcha and pictured on the left) a fellow blogger and avid HNT participant who recently celebrated her first anniversary as a blogger as well as the first anniversary of marriage to her husband, was killed in an automobile accident last Thursday.
Details are sketchy, and we're all still hoping it's just a bad rumour. There's a bit of information on Osbasso's blog, which also pays a wonderful tribute to a unique and fun-loving lady.
I know that she made me smile plenty of times -- usually on Thursdays when our paths sometimes crossed, and she has touched a good many people in the blogosphere.
Here's sending prayers and warm wishes to her loved ones and family.
So very tragic. Just a solid reminder to never take life for granted. Hug the ones you love often because it may be the last time you see them.
terrible news.....
I've chatted with her a few times on line. She was a great person and had a good sense of humor. I'll miss her.
thank you darlin'.
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