So, you've GOT to let me know
Should I shave or should I grow?
(Darth Tater should be back next week for those Spud Wars fans out there)
Go visit Osbasso, the man with cool facial hair by clicking on the link below
Mark Leslie is a writer, editor and bookseller who lives in Southern Ontario. In 2005, Mark joined the blogging bandwagon and started posting random thoughts and musings on writing, bookselling and being a father.
i love it, the look and the feel, especially in...ummm...certain places...see i am not always naughty...well i try not to be ;)
Happy HNT!
i'm a sucker for facial hair. but that's me.....francine is the one that counts. happy HNT!
I like a goatee that is taken care of...otherwise it'll look nothing but "unshaved". You look good both with or without facial hair, so I think that's up to you if you wanna keep it or not.
HHNT in any case :D
I feel your pain, It looks hot on you but I also hate the scratchiness.
Happy HNT!
Furzl has been trying that goatee thing and babe,... sorry to say, but he looks NOTHING like you.
Happy HNT and thank you for the fabulous message. Love you for it.
I like a goatee myself, which I'm sporting at the moment.
Happy HNT!
I like the look of facial hair better than the feeling as well.
I say shave it and let the lovin' begin!
Happy HNT!
Oh grow...definitely :) HHNT!
If you shave there will be trouble...
If you grow it will be double?
and watch out for chickenhawks!
Personally i love hair on a man
It looks like I'm in the minority here! I like a clean shaven man!
Happy HNT!
i must have slept with a guy that had a goatee years ago that was really really good because i have a thing for them! LOL
yep it's hot on you too....
If you ever want to get close to Francine maybe you better shave it.
UH, oh! Sorry, I was looking at those great shoulders. I think you look good both ways!
Happy HNT!
It looks smokin' hot! Keep the facial hair! Happy HNT!
I think you look great either way..but shaven is especially nice!
Happy HNT!
I didn't realize the chin hair with a mustache wasn't a goatee, all these years my husbands had one and I've called it by the wrong name.
You learn something new everyday.
It looks like you have a strong chin, so you look great with or without it.
Have a great HNT!
I say shave, but I'm biased because I can't grow a decent looking beard. ;)
Happy HNT
Well you could always shave just one half of your face and then kiss her with whichever corner of your mouth she wanted at that moment....
I like the feel of mustaches, but not the feel of beards. You look good either way, so I'd say let it up to your wife and if she won't make a decision, grow it until she will. :)
Happy HNS (so I missed Thursday... sue me!)
It seems to be a pretty hard decision to make Mark, your wife loves to see it but she hates the prickly feeling when you kiss her. But still, it's up to you if you want to shave it off or not. In my case, both me and my boyfriend likes to get his facial hair out for good, which is why he had a laser hair removal (West Palm Beach, FL-based experts) months ago. Since then, his face is as smooth as ever.
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