So what's a guy to do?
I know, browse the internet for images of "shamrock" (found myself both a clover and a half-nekkid wrestler guy). Then I grab a "head shot" of myself and do a real amateur cut and paste with an image editor, and voila . . .

Mark Unclovered. A hokey and poorly put together St. Patrick's Day HNT. I would have used my own perfectly sculpted body for this, but this time of year I'm not so nicely tanned as the wrestler whose body I borrowed for this shot. Hopefully it's worth a few chuckles at least . . .
Don't see green -- you, too can get half-nekkid every Thursday.
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Looks like I am the lucky one...great picture! Happy HNT and Happy St. Patty's Day!
LOL! Nice shamrock! ;)
happy HNT
Works for me, I'm chuckling! Happy HNT
Nice.... Happy SPD HNT!
My goodness, what a lovely chiselled bod you have.
Happy HNT!
I's lovely :) HHNT!
LOL, definitely worth a few chuckles! love it! you rock, mark! happy HNT/SPD!
so what's your wrestling name?
happy hnt! very clever, or clover...
My, my, that's a very large clover you have there. hee!
Happy HNT!
excellent pic, very creative!
Happy HNT!
Can you make me look like Pamela Anderson????
LOL I LIKE :) lol
Happy St. Patty's day and HHNT! ;)
Your's's so huge...
Okay, that made me giggle. Very nice.
Happy HNT and SPD!
Very creative. Nice work, and happy HNT.
Ha ha! I suspect some photoshopping, but it's so seamless I can't tell where it ends and you begin. HHNT and HSPD!
LOL Hilarious!! Lot's of us are having fun with photoshop this week!
you know, next week you can retake the shot yourself making this a prequel...Happy HNT
HEHEHE! I happen to love it!
HappY HNT! :)
Now that is hilarious!!
Happy HNT & SPD
Very resourceful!
Happy HNT!
This proves it. You're a conformist. In the most unconventional ways possible of course.
You could obviously have just done what I did... post whatever shot you intended and skipped the green... but NO! :P
Anyway, this photo reminds me of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Everyone has seen that, right? The narrator guy had no neck... kind of like the 'frankenmark' that you've posted here, and every time he came on screen everyone yelled "Where's his fuckin' neck?"
LMAO!! clever!
happy belated hnt / spd! =)
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